Tropical fruits parfum oil - ( 30 ml )
Availability: | Not available | |
Quantity: | x 1 ks | |
Price with VAT: | 3,27 € ( 2,73 € without VAT ) | |
Product name
Tropical , tropical fruit , fruit , arome , parfume oil , parfume, oil
Oil is a format that is in the plant essential oils natural. In the oil are these natural ingredients very soluble and become stable. With this oil yields are stronger in terms of odor, and also more durable in respect of storage. While the spirituous extract will lost most of their tones after a few years, correctly stored extract oil lasts a long time. The mixture complies with IFRA standards up to the 49th supplement.
It has a very wide application either in cosmetic (creams, balms, soaps, body lotions) or into the arome lamps, the washing, the smell in the car or apartment, as substitute perfumes, though it is an oil component instead of the alcohol it is more durable and do not lose the effect of long-term quality and volatilized.
Country of origin

H317 Môže vyvolať alergickú kožnú reakciu.
H411 Toxický pre vodné organizmy, s dlhodobými účinkami.
P273 Zabráňte uvoľneniu do životného prostredia.
P280 Noste ochranné rukavice/ochranný odev/ochranné okuliare/ochranu tváre.
P302 + P352 PRI KONTAKTE S POKOŽKOU: Umyte veľkým množstvom vody a mydla.
P391 Zozbierajte uniknutý produkt.